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Some gemstones are counted as a birthstone in astrology. Specific zodiac signs are connected with particular gemstones and give their maximum astronomical benefits to the person. Here are some particular birthstones for the months. January birthstone is garnet. Amethyst is the birthstone of February. For March aquamarine is the birthstone. April birthstone is known as diamond. Emerald is considered a May birthstone. For June individual’s birthstone is alexandrite. Ruby is known as the birthstone of July. August birthstone is Peridot. Sapphire is counted as a birthstone in September. October Birthstone is tourmaline. Topaz is known as the birthstone of November and December. If a gemstone is worn with consultation of an expert astrologer in this condition it is given its maximum benefits to the wearer and helps to reduce the problem in its life.

Birthstones by Month

January Birthstone

February Birthstone

March Birthstone

April Birthstone

May Birthstone

June Birthstone

July Birthstone

August Birthstone

September Birthstone

October Birthstone

November Birthstone

December Birthstone

Gemstones for Each Month – Birthstone Chart by Month

The birthstone is a gemstone related to one’s birth date, and wearing it is supposed to bring good luck and health. Astrologers have long believed that certain gemstones had supernatural properties.

The stones presently connected with each month, as stated in the table, bear just a passing resemblance to ancient beliefs, as the list is influenced by availability and cost. Before mineralogy advanced to the degree of chemical analysis, color was more important than other physical properties, and there was little differentiation between emerald and chrysoprase, ruby and garnet, or citrine and topaz.

When it came to healing or bringing good luck, both the original stone and the lookalikes were thought to be equally efficient. Even historical names do not always relate to the stones that bear those names today; the sapphire of the Bible is considerably more likely to have been lapis lazuli than what is now known as sapphire, and Adamas (diamond) was most likely White Sapphire or White topaz.

How you can Find your Birthstone?

Many people ask “What is my Birthstone?” – Your birthstone is determined by month you were born in. Here we provide birthstone for each month, and you may find more by clicking on your birth month and seeing which jewels are your birthstones. So here we start.

January Birthstone:- Garnet

Deep red garnets are the “power suit” of gemstones, representing honesty and a strong work ethic. The name “garnet” is derived from the Latin Granatum, which means pomegranate seed. This sparkling January gemstone represents affection, trust, and spiritual dedication.

February Birthstone:- Amethyst

amethyst, like diamonds, have been coveted for millennia. Leonardo da Vinci thought that these gorgeous purple-colored stones could boost intelligence. This brilliant February birthstone’s calming, serene characteristics enhance the innate serenity of those born in the second month.

March Birthstone:- Aquamarine

Aquamarine represents the soothing aspect of water and ocean travel, and it is linked with the apostle St. Thomas. This March birthstone reflects a wonderful balance of purity and simplicity, making it appropriate for persons born in March, who are noted for their loyalty and vigor.

April Birthstone:- Diamond

Diamond is the most desired April birthstone was traditionally supposed to be the earth’s lightning. Diamonds have always symbolized healing, power, and everlasting love. Diamond is the most popular gemstone worldwide. These gemstones are valued for their timeless beauty and purity, and the diamond has become a status symbol.

May Birthstone:- Emerald

The emerald is as fresh as springtime and dates back to roughly 330 B.C. Cultures throughout the world revere this brilliant green May birthstone, praising its qualities of protection, spiritual growth, and honesty. Emerald jewelry makes a bold statement for anybody who wears it. Learn about emeralds, their rich history, and the captivating green hue that glows in pendants, earrings, and rings.

June Birthstones:- Pearl

The pearl is the only jewel derived from a living organism. Pearls represent wisdom and purity and are prized for their remarkable adaptability. People born in June are noted for their honesty and loyalty.

July Birthstone:- Ruby

Passion. Protection. Prosperity. The ruby has a long, treasured history, and its dazzling, crimson glow enchants people all around. Whether you give ruby as a gift or wear it yourself, this July birthstone exudes strength and beauty.

August Birthstone:- Peridot

Peridot evolved ages ago during deep volcanic explosions. Hawaiians thought it represented Pele, the volcano goddess’ tears. Today, this vibrant, yellow-green August birthstone indicates prosperity, so wearing brilliant peridot jewelry may make every day feel happy.

September Birthstone:- Sapphire

Sapphires have traditionally been connected with paradise, heavenly favor, and enlightenment. Along with its enticing deep blue hue and spiritual significance, the September birthstone represents knowledge and clarity.

October Birthstone:- Opal

Luminous color swirls over the opal’s surface, a captivating feature that distinguishes each piece of beautiful gemstone jewelry. Opals are mostly mined in Australia and are thought to mirror the wearer’s moods. If you can claim October’s birthstone, you’re likely recognized for your loyalty.

November Birthstone:- Citrine

Citrine is as fresh and brilliant as the name suggests. While citrine’s colors vary, its cheery lemony look makes any style of jewelry sparkle. This November birthstone is thought to calm and soothe a person’s mood, making it a thoughtful and deliberate gemstone choice for yourself or someone you care about.

December Birthstone:- Blue Topaz

Blue topaz, which represents the winter months, is a glittering stone with ice colors to darker tones. Topaz stretches back to antiquity and denotes wisdom and longevity. The December birthstone is associated with power and kindness.